Wednesday 19 March 2014

Week six and navigating TEMPTATION

Oh this was a hard week.  Temptation everywhere.  It's so obvious I am still hopelessly addicted to the sugary stuff.  The carbs are generally not a problem, I can cope easily with no bread, pasta, cakes, bikkies or potatoes.  But Lollies are another matter.  I am still unequivocally craving sweet stuff. Dessert and lollies and chocolate. Yum.  I would just like to go crazy with some.
As I mentioned last post, my brother was here for a visit.  They stayed a few days in the area and popped over quite often to share meals with us.  They kindly brought all sorts of yummy sweet treats over to share.  There was a daily struggle for me to resist the temptation of a chocolate coated biscuit or some rich ice cream.  I managed it, but I think that I put on weight just looking at all that beautiful food.  Plus it also meant diving into some of my standby craving busters fairly often.  So I was eating to curb cravings brought on by temptation rather than eating to fill an empty belly.
I have also said before that I wonder whether the Stevia is maintaining my craving for sweet stuff. I have been eating a fair bit of fresh whipped cream and homemade chocolate that has been sweetened with stevia.  It addresses the immediate need for something sweet, but I haven't managed to kick the long term need for dessert or sweets after a meal.  This is one habit that is proving rather hard to break.  It basically amounts to additional calories that I am not even hungry for.  My tummy can tell that I am satisfyingly full, but my mouth is telling me to finish off with something sweet.

This week I did weigh myself and my dodgy scales decided that I had put on a kilo. My tape measure has showed me losing another centimetre and my ribs and waist are much in a muchness in size now. 

I'd like to see how I go next week with far less temptation placed before me and I will attempt to listen to my body's full signals a bit better.

Skinwise, I have decided this week that it is looking less dry.  After six weeks it appears that some of this saturated fat might be making its way towards the surface and affecting the upper layers of skin cells. Some sore looking sun spot type marks seem to be looking like they are healing.  I will keep an eye on this in coming weeks to see if this is a pattern that will continue.

I made a banana cake during the week, which is strictly a bit high in carbs but I needed to use up the bananas that the kids haven't eaten.  I didn't add any sugar and I kept it as high fat as I could:
Banana Cake
1 1/2 cups of my Paleo flour  (mix of LSA, coconut flour and psyllium husk)
3 teaspoons baking powder
3 very ripe bananas
6 eggs
1/4 cup coconut oil.

Mix together and bake in two ring tins.  It is quite nice loaded with butter, sour cream or whipped Cream.  I ate small slivers with lots of topping.

I also made (because we had guests) the red kidney bean cake.  For this one I used dextrose as the sweetening agent and again ate it with lashings of cream.
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups kidney beans
1 tablepoon vanilla
1 tablespoon coffee
7-8 tablespoons cocoa
125g butter
1 cup dextrose
Process 1 egg and the kidney beans with the coffee and vanilla.
Beat butter and dextrose together.  Add remaining eggs one at a time.  Add Kidney bean mixture and bake in a spring form cake tin.

This idea of lots of eggs and butter and a little bit of flour or other thickening agent could be worth experimenting with to make other cakes/breads.  It looks like the basis for a few of the paleo recipes I see around the net.

After writing this blog I am going to make another banana cake (yes more soggy bananas to use up).
I am going to use heaps of butter, coconut oil, eggs (three bananas as the sweetener) and I have some almond milk to use up.  Lots of coconut and my paleo flour with baking powder.  I'll see how it goes.  The Almond milk may make things too wet.  I will post a recipe if it is any good.

Okay another week and off we go, ahhhhh sugar if only you weren't so delicious..........

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