Thursday 13 March 2014

Five weeks down

And yes I am still addicted to sugar!!  I would love nothing better than to jump into a big vat of chocolate and wallow around in it for a few hours. 
There have been loads of temptations over the last week.  I have lightened up on the kids and have allowed them more carbs and sugar than they were getting as they have been complaining bitterly about the totalitarian regime that they have found themselves under. So I relented and bought sugar and digestives biscuits and white pasta. I haven't eaten any and neither have I been tempted to. But Evan was brandishing around some fun sized chocolate bars and some lollies after getting home from camp last week.  So nice of the kids to want to share with their mother.  And it would have been so easy to just have one little one, I so wanted to.  Instead I popped it in the fridge for later, and as happens to anything vaguely yummy around here, IT DOESN'T LAST LONG. I looked a day or two later and it was long gone.  Good. Phew.
My brother is visiting atm and keeps popping over with yummy treats.  The kids are stoked.  I'm so tempted by the Lindt chocolates and chocolate smothered biscuits.  I have resisted so far.  But a girl is not a saint, so I don't know how long I will last.  Particularly as tonight they have offered to bring dessert. Sigh.
I do have a few strategies in place, however.  I have been making my own chocolate with coconut oil, cocoa and stevia which I keep in the freezer.  It is great to have when the cravings strike.  It hits the spot until the desire passes.  I have been eating ALOT of that lately.  Fresh whipped cream with a dash of vanilla is another great thing to have in the fridge.  It tastes so good and definitely feels indulgent.  A great big dollop of fresh whipped cream and a small sprinkle of blueberries makes a fabulous dessert and doesn't leave you feeling at all deprived.  My brother brought some strawberries over too which went a treat with the whipped cream.  Full fat plain Greek yoghurt works well too and of course nibbling on cheese instead of bikkies helps.  But you really do need to have something in place, because these tempting social situations crop up with surprising regularity.

I wasn't going to weigh myself this week, But I kinda did.  I started out just measuring myself with the tape measure.  I had noticed that my undies felt a little looser, so I checked out my hip measurement. Up until now that measurement has sat at around 108-107cm and really didn't look like moving at all.  This morning I clocked it at 105cm, so that would explain the extra room in my undies.  I went on and measured my waist and ribs. It looks like another 3.5cm have come off my waist.  It is now 88cm, last week it was 91.5cm.  My ribs seem to have stayed stable at around 86cm.
My waist started at 98cm five weeks ago.  I have lost 10cm, that is pretty impressive.  My size 16 clothes are now ridiculously baggy and I am wearing size 14 with comfort.  Some garments are even
starting to feel a little looser. than others.
Ok after those positive measurements with which to start the day, I had to jump on the scales. I know my scales are dodgy, so I don't place too much confidence in them, but it looked like my weight was sitting around 71kg...... I wonder, will I make it to below 70kg by Easter?  That is still another 4 or 5 weeks away, so hopefully if I keep on track I will.

Here's to a positive week, with my brother still here for a few days yet I wonder if I will fall off the wagon by next week?  Only way to find out is to tune in next week......

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